Friday, November 23, 2007

Postponed. Again.

The election has been delayed for the fifth time. The dealine is moved to next Friday.

So in about four hours, at the stroke of midnight, Lebanon will have no president.

There's a bunch of us watching a broadcast in Arabic of politicians from all the factions, as well as the deputy speaker of the House, give meaningless speeches about Lebanese unity and holding to the constitutional process. The army has been charged with maintaining the peace. Veiled, insinuous comments are made about rival parties and godfathers.

Obviously, the dons can't just admit: "Hey, we've got no president becase we're corrupt warlords who won't compromise on our tribal agendas for the security of our country!"... even if this has the virtue of being the truth.

So now, we've got another week of suspense, deserted streets, checkpoints, and surly soldiers.

Some hostel-mates and I might take the delay to head south to Shi'ite-held areas that the Lonely Planet is silent about. See some real Hezbollah country.

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